Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Rylee in Uncle Travis's hat...

Ethan in Uncle Travis's hat...

Rylee jumping in the pool

Ethan LOVES popsicles,

And swimming!! This is him swimming between Tom and his mom, Hollie.

Well, I think it is about time I update this again. Ethan is officially walking now. He has been able to for about the past month. Next Thursday he will turn one. It is sad to think that my baby will be one already. He is so funny. He shakes his head like he is trying to say no, but kind of lopesided and rolly. It is funny to watch. He also started squealing. That is pretty good as well. Rylee is really starting to talk now. She had her tonsils taken out almost two months ago. That was the worst two weeks of my parental years to date. She didn't feel well, wouldn't take her meds, and was just plain miserable the whole time. Though, I think it was worth it. She started calling me just "mom". It makes me feel like she is all grown up. She does call me mommy every once in a while still...thankfully. I cannot believe she is almost three, and that I have an almost three year old for that matter. She is a lot of fun and definately keeps me on my toes. She really likes to color and paint. Sometimes all over the house. The other day, she painted her carpet blue. It was great. As for Tom and I, we are doing good. We have started looking at homes to buy. That is sure an interesting process... And then of course, work, work, work. Anyways, more to come.